Eat Better Not Less

Our Programs

Our Low Carb Diet Programs are designed to cater to your unique health needs! Whether you prefer an independent start or desire a guided approach, we have the perfect options for you.

One-time Consult: If you’re looking to embark on your wellness journey independently, our program offers you the opportunity to explore and understand the LCHF Keto approach. Our expert will guide you through the ins and outs of this method, helping you determine if it aligns with your specific goals.

Eat Fit – 90: For those seeking lasting results without the hassle of experimentation, our exclusive signature program is the answer. Collaborate with our dedicated experts to transform your health journey into a more personalized and effective experience. Say goodbye to guesswork and embrace a tailored approach that leads to success.

We believe in empowering you to take charge of your health. Whether you choose to go solo or work closely with our experts, we are here to support and guide you every step of the way. Let us help you achieve your health and wellness aspirations with confidence and clarity.


Our Consulting Approaches

One Time Consulting


If you're looking to embark on your wellness journey independently, this option is perfect for you. Connect with our team of experts who will guide you through the ins and outs of the LCHF or Keto approach. Discover how this method can benefit you and determine if it aligns with your specific needs and goals. Take charge of your health today with our expert assistance and personalized recommendations.

The program covers the following aspects:

Fat to Fit Transformation


Our signature program. Choose this if you are looking to create lasting results without the hassle of experimentation. Work with an expert to make your health journey a more personalized one.

What you achieve at the end of our program

How Eat Fit Get Fit Works

The 5 Fundamental Pillars of Eat Fit Get Fit

A Lifestyle

Embrace a lasting change. Dedicate yourself to learning and adapting for a transformative journey.

No Starvation

No more deprivation or half-filled plates. Eat until satisfied at every meal and nourish your body.

90:10 Principle

Health = 90% diet; 10% exercise.
Prioritize nutrition while incorporating basic exercises for optimal results.

No Sugarcoat

This program is straightforward, but challenges lie ahead. Guided by our support, conquer those obstacles and triumph.

Simple Foods

No need for exotic ingredients. Discover what works for you with easily accessible, local market finds.