Home Health Top 10 Low-Carb Vegetables

Top 10 Low-Carb Vegetables

Top 10 Low Carb Vegetables

After being aware of all the exceptional benefits one can reap through the low carb diet, one can’t help but, reduce their intake of carbs; but, how? It’s pretty obvious that you stick to foods that have a very less proportion of carbs. Meats, poultry, fish and eggs are less in carbs and rich in protein and fats. Does this mean cutting down carbs isn’t a vegetarian’s forte? There is nothing healthier than these low carb vegetables.

Numerous vegetables we eat on a daily basis are low in carbs. Here we’ve got a list of 10 low carb veggies that you shouldn’t miss to add in your diet.

  1. Tomatoes

This succulent veggie that’s a part of almost all our daily recipes botanically falls under the category of berries. 100 grams of tomatoes contain only 4 grams of carbohydrates. Besides being low in carb, tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins and minerals and lycopene. Making tomatoes a regular addition to your food protects your heart, lowers blood pressure, prevents cancer and enhances your skin health.

  1. Onion

This is a vegetable we’ve used to give our dishes a flavourful touch so, we’ve never bothered to know what this veggie has in store. This does more than just making your food taste good. With only 9% carbs, this is a perfect low carb veggie. It also contains moderate amounts of thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, folate, vitamin C, manganese phosphorous, magnesium, calcium and iron. Onions build your immunity, regulate blood sugar level and prevent the production of bad cholesterol (LDL).

  1. Bell peppers

These are a colourful addition to the list of low carb veggies. Being incredibly nutritious, they contain just 4% carbs. Green peppers contain the least amount of carbs but you are free to add the yellow and red ones to get a hint of sweetness and hotness. Being a rich source of vitamins A &C, capsicums build your immunity and eliminate free radicals; they also contain fibre that eases the digestion process. Cartenoids in bell peppers prevents inflammation and the risk of cancer. Bell peppers are good for your heart, digestion, skin and body on the whole. So enjoy these colourful veggies regularly in order to stay fit and fine.

  1. Broccoli

Oozing with goodness, broccoli contains only 6 grams of carbs per serving. This cruciferous veggie is packed with nutrients. You can get an ample dose of vitamins C and K by emptying a bowl of broccoli. Broccoli is known to protect you from the risk of diabetes and several types of cancer. Fibre present in broccoli also helps in flushing out the toxins from your body.

  1. Mushroom

We’ve always enjoyed playing with mushroom in our various recipes and it is most of our favourite. This one’s not just tasty, but is packed with nutrition. A bowl of mushroom has just 1 gram of carbs so you don’t have to worry about missing your favourite veggie. Mushrooms are known for their strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They improve immunity, prevent various kinds of cancer and normalise cholesterol, blood sugar and pressure.

  1. Spinach

It’s no wonder we’ve always been told to consume more of green, leafy vegetables. They are packed with iron, calcium and fibre. Loaded with tons of vitamins and minerals, especially 10 times the normal amount of vitamin K, this is a great way of charging your body. They protect DNA from any kind of damage, improve eyesight and guard your heart. Besides that 100 grams of cooked spinach contains just 4 grams of carb and uncooked spinach contains almost no carbs.

  1. Lettuce

If you are someone who is into healthy eating, then salads are an inevitable option in your menu. Lettuce is a great low carb option as only 2 grams of carb is present in 100 grams of lettuce. They also contain a significant amount of vitamins and minerals. Lettuce keeps heart diseases at bay due to high amounts of folates. Also, 95% of lettuce contains water that instantly refreshes and hydrates you. The next time you whip a gigantic bowl of salad top a generous amount of lettuce to it.

  1. Cucumbers

100 grams of cucumber contain about 4 grams of carbohydrates. This is would be the best thing to snack on without adding on carbs when hunger pangs strike. Cucumbers also contain moderate amounts of vitamins and minerals. They have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Cucurbitacin E in cucumbers is great for health. With 95% of cucumber being water, it replenishes the body with water.

  1. Cabbage

Although this isn’t the most tasteful vegetable, cabbage has got some amazing health benefits to offer. With just 6% carbs, this is undoubtedly a great low carb option. Cabbage contains moderate amounts of vitamin B6, folate and compounds like sulforaphane and glucosinolates that are known to detoxify the body. Belonging to the cruciferous family, it is effective in preventing colon cancer.

  1. Raddish

This vegetable known for its unique smell and flavour contains only 4% carbs out of which 2% is dietary fibre. It has a fairly large amount of vitamin C and known for metabolising oestrogen in the body, it protects women from breast cancer during the post menopausal phase. It also helps in improving digestion.


(per 100g)

Carbohydrates Dietary fibre


4g 1g


9g 1g
Bell peppers 4g





Mushroom 1g


4g 2g


2g 1g
Cucumber 4g





Radish 4g



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